Gilding Gold Leaf hints and tips
Gilding Gold Leaf Hints and Tips and Information
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Gilding Gold Leaf Paints, Waxes or leafing sheets
TREASURE GOLD & TREASURE JEWELS 1. IDENTIFICATION Commercial Name: Treasure Gold , Treasure Jewels Liquid leaf and wax guiltUsage: Metallic Wax Paste in various colours 2. COMPOSITION Pure Gum Turpentine 12% by weight per 25g jar. Liquid with a characteristic Aromatic Odour 3. FIRE DATA FLASH POINT 33°C Emergency Fire Fighting Procedure: Remove source of ignition. Use dry chemical or foam extinguisher. 4. REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Hazard Decomposition and Combustion products: Burning will produce heavy black heavy smoke. Conditions to avoid: Heat and open flames Incompatibility: Acids, alkalis. Oxidising agents. 5. FIRST AID MEASURES Eyes: Immediately wash out with copious amounts of water for at least 10 minutes. Avoid rubbing eyes and seek medical attention. Skin: Low order of toxicity. Wash off with soap and water. Cream hands after use. Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water, keep warm and at rest. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Seek medical attention. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air for immediate recovery. If in doubt seek medical attention. ALWAYS KEEP PRODUCT AWAY FROM CHILDREN. 6. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Eyes Vapour can be irritating to the eyes. Do not rub eyes. Skin Degreasing effect due to solvent content. Ingestion Harmful if ingested. Inhalation Irritating to the respiratory tract due to Turpentine and White Spirit, although insufficient of either is present to cause a real hazard. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Store products in cool conditions. When product is being used ensure room is well ventilated. Do not use near open flame. Wash hands thoroughly after use. DO NOT SMOKE WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. 8. TRANSPORT BY ROAD / RAIL UN / SI No. 1299, Class 3, Packing Group III, Proper Shipping Name TURPENTINE TRANSPORT BY SEA UN No. 1299, Class 3.3, Packing Group III, Proper Shipping Name TURPENTINE Main Risk: FLAMMABLE Marine Pollutant: YES TRANSPORT BY AIR UN (or IATA ID) No. 1299, Class 3, Packing Group III, Proper Shipping Name TURPENTINE, Main Risk: FLAMMABLE 9. SPILLAGE Exclude sources of ignition and ventilate area. Soak up with absorbent material. Remove to safe, open space and allow solvents to evaporate, or dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. Clean area with detergent and water. 10. OTHER INFORMATION The information contained in this Safety Data Sheet is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations. The product should not be used for purposes other than those shown in Section 1 without first referring to the supplier and obtaining written handling instructions. As the specific conditions of use are outside the suppliers’ control, the user is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the relevant legislation are complied with. The information contained ion this Safety Data Sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and current national legislation. It provides guidance on health, safety and environmental aspects of the product and should not be construed as any guarantee of technical performance or suitability for particular applications. Further information can be found in: The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988 (SI 1988: 1657) The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (SI 1992: 2793) The Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1992 (SI 1992: 2839)
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am and 5 pm Monday - Saturday |